The New York Times Broadcasts Friday Sermon Live on Facebook In what probably was a first, The New York Times broadcasted a Jumu’ah Khutbah (Friday sermon) live on its Facebook page. More
3 Simple Deeds to do Every Night in the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan Here are 3 simple but powerful deeds you can do every night in the last 10 nights of Ramadan to maximise your rewards. More
10 Tips for the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan Here are 10 Tips to help you make the most out of the best 10 nights of the year. More
Ramadan – A Valley of Gold How we can maximize our productivity and gain humongous rewards this coming Ramadan. More
There’s a Good Reason This Photo Is Going Viral in the Arab World One may ask why did these people decide to block a lane of traffic and pray on the road? But there’s more than meets the eye. More
Amazing Adhan at the Great Wall of China Check out his amazing adhan called out from the Great Wall of China. More
#PlacesYoullPray- There’s Always a Place to Pray Prayer can be done anywhere. Where have you prayed? More
5 Ways to Weaken the Devil Within How can we prevent, remove and weaken the advancements of the devil towards us? Here are 5 ways. More
10 Virtues of the 10th of Muharram (Day of ‘Ashura) Here are 10 virtues of the 10th of Muharram (Day of ‘Ashura) found in the Qur’an and Sunnah. More
Exclusive Interview with ‘The Muaddhin’ Jameel Syed also known as “The Muaddhin” who earned the title 50 mosque man by NBC News was the first person to make the adhan in all 50 states of the USA. More