Worldwide protests have taken place following Israel’s decision to install metal detectors and security cameras at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound. Here’s a summary of what has happened in the last week:
Friday 14th July 2017
• An incident leaves 3 Palestinians and 2 Israeli policemen dead.
• Israel closes Al Aqsa Mosque.
• Friday prayers are cancelled for the first time in 48 years.
Saturday 15th July 2017
• Al Aqsa Mosque remains closed.
Sunday 16th July 2017
• The mosque is re opened. However, Israeli forces install metal detectors and security cameras around the mosque’s compound despite having no authority over the site under international law.
• Palestinians refuse to enter the Al Aqsa compound protesting against the new restrictions. They believe that if they comply, it will be accepting Israel’s authority.
Monday 17th July 2017
• The security barriers remain and Palestinians continue to protest by praying outside the Al Aqsa compound.

Tuesday 18th July 2017
• An Imam of Al Aqsa, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri is shot by Israeli forces as they attempt to forcefully disperse worshippers.
Wednesday 19th July 2017
• The security barriers remain and Palestinians continue to protest by praying outside the Al Aqsa compound.
Thursday 20th July 2017
• Talks between the Palestinian Authority and the Israelis collapse. The PA’s chief negotiator Hatem Abdel-Kader tells Middle East Eye: “The metal detectors serve no security purpose whatsoever. Rather, their erection is a political play to pressure Palestinians into relinquishing control of Al-Aqsa.”
Friday 21st July 2017
• Worldwide protests take place against the measures imposed by Israel. 18-year-old Mohammad Sharaf is killed by a settler during protests in East Jerusalem.
مراسلتنا: مواطنون غاضبون يشيعون جثمان الشهيد محمد محمود شرف (١٨ عامًا) الذي استشهد برصاص مستوطن في حي راس العامود شرق القدس#جمعه_الاقصي
— وكالة صفا (@SafaPs) July 21, 2017