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WATCH: Qur’an Recited in the Aya Sofia for the First Time after 85 Years

The Aya Sophia (also knows as The Hagia Sophia) which is more than 1,400 years old was first built and used as a cathedral by the Eastern Roman Empire for over 900 years. Following Fatih Sultan’s conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the church was found in a state of disrepair and was renovated and converted into a Mosque in 1453. The Adhan would be called and prayers would be held for approximately 478 years until it was converted into a Museum by Mustafa Kamal, the founder of modern day Turkey in 1931.

Now, for the first time in 85 years, the holy Qur’an was recited in Aya Sofia during the launch of an exhibition on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Written by IlmFeed

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